Campaign News
Mayes raises $1.25 million in Q3, bringing total haul to over $2.2 million
Mayes raises $1.25 million in Q3, bringing total haul to over $2.2 million
October 4, 2022
(Phoenix) – Democrat Kris Mayes' campaign for Arizona Attorney General raised $1.25 million in the third quarter of 2022, bringing her total amount of money raised during the 2022 election cycle to $2.2 million. Mayes' total for the third quarter is more than three times what she raised in the second quarter, and her total is now larger than the combined haul from both candidates who ran in 2018 (Mark Brnovich raised $962,000 and January Contreras raised $977,000).
This fundraising comes on the heels of a recent poll showing Mayes in a dead heat with GOP election denier Abe Hamadeh. The poll also demonstrates that when voters are made aware of both candidates' campaign message, Mayes' gains a lead of five points (48% Mayes to 43% Hamadeh).
"I am grateful for the support of the many Arizonans who want an Attorney General to be a lawyer for the people," said Mayes. "My opponent's enthusiasm for banning abortion and seeking to jail doctors and pharmacists is out of step with the great majority of Arizonans."
Democratic Arizona Attorney General Candidate Kris Mayes Calls for Straight Answers from Opponent Abraham Hamadeh
September 23, 2022
Today, Arizona Democratic Attorney General candidate Kris Mayes seeks truth and transparency from her opponent after yet another story breaks about more dishonesty and theft of property from his own father.
PHOENIX – The Attorney General should be both honest and ethical as the office is charged with not only protecting all Arizonans from bad actors, but leading the largest law office in Arizona. Numerous recent media stories call into serious question Mr. Hamadeh’s experience, character and fitness to serve in any elected office in Arizona. Democratic Arizona Attorney General candidate Kris Mayes asks that her opponent answer to the following allegations in a transparent and truthful manner to the media and Arizona public immediately:
Stole land from father - In 2010, Abraham’s father, Jamal, set up a trust for his three children, maintaining sole control of the properties while he remained alive, and would be entitled to revoke the transfer at any time. In 2013 “by chance,” Jamal discovered his three adult children had set up their own corporations (WRA I - V, LLC’s) without his knowledge and conveyed all of the father’s properties to themselves (unjust enrichment). When Abraham and his siblings refused to re-convey the properties back to their father, Jamal sued them and reclaimed ownership of the properties.
Questions for Mr. Hamadeh: Did you disclose this lawsuit on your character and fitness application to the Arizona State Bar? Yes or no? Are you willing to request your application and prove it? Looking back, do you have any remorse about what you and your siblings did to your father?
Election Denial - Mr. Hamadeh has stated publicly that he would not have certified the 2020 election, would decertify the 2020 election (which isn’t legal) and wants to “lock people up.” He has also promoted the heavily debunked ‘2000 Mules’ film.
Questions for Mr. Hamadeh: Can you explain how you would decertify the 2020 election? Can you give us the names of the people you would “lock up and put in handcuffs” and share the exact crimes you would charge them with? Who do you believe is the current President of the United States? Do you believe Arizona elections are safe and secure? Do you stand by your previous statements that you would like to end vote-by-mail? Do you believe the film ‘2000 Mules’ was factual? Yes or no? If Trump ran and lost in 2024, would you certify the election results?
Allegedly committed voter fraud - As someone who would be in charge of both certifying elections and investigating and prosecuting voter fraud, it’s vital to know the truth about this matter.
Question for Mr. Hamadeh: Did you fill out and/or vote a ballot that was not yours at any time? Yes or no?
Lied under penalty of perjury on candidate financial disclosure form - Mr. Hamadeh did not truthfully fill out his candidate financial disclosure form while under penalty of perjury, and omitted pertinent information even after he resubmitted the form after deadline.
Questions for Mr. Hamadeh: Why did you lie on your financial disclosure form? What is the status of your interest/involvement in the businesses you currently have ownership in (Ham Advisors, LLC and WRA Properties, LLC)? What is the nature/business of these companies? Who/what did Ham Advisors, LLC “advise” on?
Lied about his parents’ immigration status - Mr. Hamadeh has had many interviews where he stated his parents came here legally from Syria and that theirs was the “American Dream.” Though true they came here legally, he failed to mention his parents came on a 6 month visa, which they overstayed for many years. This wasn’t discovered until his father was involved in an arson case for fire bombing a synagogue in Chicago. Though the charges against his father Jamal were dropped, the parents faced deportation and were only allowed to stay in the country because of their two youngest American-born children, Mr. Hamadeh being one of those children.
Questions for Mr. Hamadeh: Why haven’t you been truthful about your parents? Why is your last name spelled differently from your father?
Wildly exaggerated his brief legal career - Mr. Hamadeh was admitted to the State Bar of Arizona in May of 2017. He has publicly stated he has “done dozens of trials” when he was employed at the Maricopa County Attorney’s office as a prosecutor. There is no record of Hamadeh being a first chair lawyer for any trial in Maricopa County Superior Court.
Questions for Mr. Hamadeh: Did you lead any trials during your time at MCAO? Yes or no? Have you ever managed attorneys or staff in your professional career (not military)? If so, when and where?
May be under investigation by the military: Though Mr. Hamadeh is rumored to be under investigation by the DoD, he has yet to confirm or deny, often speaking around the issue in circles.
Question for Mr. Hamadeh: Are you currently, or have you at any point been made aware of a military investigation concerning you? Yes or no?
Has still not addressed or apologized for antisemitic comments - Not only has Mr. Hamadeh not addressed past and current derogatory and inappropriate statements, he continues to double down on attacking the media versus taking any responsibility for his actions. This is unacceptable behavior for any candidate or elected official.
Democratic candidate for Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes calls on Hamedeh to immediately answer these questions.
"Arizonans deserve answers to these questions from a person who is running to be the top law enforcement and legal officer for our state. We simply cannot have an AG with so many troubling questions about his character, honesty and preparedness for this important office," Mayes said. "It's time for Abe Hamadeh to be square with the people of Arizona, so that voters know just what they are getting."
About Kris Mayes: https://krismayes.com