Endorsements &
UFCW 99, ARIZONA LIST, Former Maricopa County Supervisor MARY ROSE WILCOX, St. Johns Mayor SPENCE UDALL, Navajo Nation President JONATHAN NEZ, DEMOCRATIC ATTORNEYS GENERAL ASSOCIATION, State Representative LORENZO SIERRA, Attorney DANIEL ORTEGA, JR., Arizona State Senator SEAN BOWIE, Phoenix City Councilwoman YASSAMIN ANSARI, Arizona State Representative DIEGO ESPINOZA, Tempe City Councilmember JENNIFER ADAMS, Maricopa County Supervisor STEVE GALLARDO, SIERRA CLUB, UA PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS 469 PAC, ARIZONA AFL-CIO, TEAMSTERS LOCAL 104, MOMS DEMAND ACTION GUN SENSE CANDIDATE, Arizona State Representative KELLI BUTLER, Arizona State Representative MITZI EPSTEIN, COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA CWA LOCAL 7000, 7026, 7019 & 7050, Arizona State Representative JENNIFER LONGDON, NARAL PRO-CHOICE AMERICA, PLANNED PARENTHOOD ADVOCATES OF ARIZONA, United States Congressman TOM O'HALLERAN, SOUTHWEST REGIONAL COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS LOCAL 1912, VOTE MAMA, LPAC, Arizona State Senator LUPE CONTRERAS, Arizona State Senator LELA ALSTON, Arizona State Representative CHARLENE FERNANDEZ, Arizona State Representative CÉSAR CHÁVEZ, Arizona State Representative ANDREA DALESSANDRO, ARIZONA LIST, Mayor of Tempe COREY WOODS, Coconino County Supervisor PATRICE HORSTMAN, Chair of Pima County Board of Supervisors SHARON BRONSON, Arizona Corporation Commissioner SANDRA KENNEDY, Arizona Corporation Commissioner ANNA TOVAR, Former Arizona Corporation Commissioner RENZ JENNINGS, Former Arizona Corporation Commissioner BILL MUNDELL, Tempe City Councilmember LAUREN KUBY, Former Arizona State Representative BOB MCLENDON, Former Arizona Attorney General GRANT WOODS, Former Arizona Governor and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security JANET NAPOLITANO, END CITIZENS UNITED, LET AMERICA VOTE
UFCW 99, ARIZONA LIST, Former Maricopa County Supervisor MARY ROSE WILCOX, St. Johns Mayor SPENCE UDALL, Navajo Nation President JONATHAN NEZ, DEMOCRATIC ATTORNEYS GENERAL ASSOCIATION, State Representative LORENZO SIERRA, Attorney DANIEL ORTEGA, JR., Arizona State Senator SEAN BOWIE, Phoenix City Councilwoman YASSAMIN ANSARI, Arizona State Representative DIEGO ESPINOZA, Tempe City Councilmember JENNIFER ADAMS, Maricopa County Supervisor STEVE GALLARDO, SIERRA CLUB, UA PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS 469 PAC, ARIZONA AFL-CIO, TEAMSTERS LOCAL 104, MOMS DEMAND ACTION GUN SENSE CANDIDATE, Arizona State Representative KELLI BUTLER, Arizona State Representative MITZI EPSTEIN, COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA CWA LOCAL 7000, 7026, 7019 & 7050, Arizona State Representative JENNIFER LONGDON, NARAL PRO-CHOICE AMERICA, PLANNED PARENTHOOD ADVOCATES OF ARIZONA, United States Congressman TOM O'HALLERAN, SOUTHWEST REGIONAL COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS LOCAL 1912, VOTE MAMA, LPAC, Arizona State Senator LUPE CONTRERAS, Arizona State Senator LELA ALSTON, Arizona State Representative CHARLENE FERNANDEZ, Arizona State Representative CÉSAR CHÁVEZ, Arizona State Representative ANDREA DALESSANDRO, ARIZONA LIST, Mayor of Tempe COREY WOODS, Coconino County Supervisor PATRICE HORSTMAN, Chair of Pima County Board of Supervisors SHARON BRONSON, Arizona Corporation Commissioner SANDRA KENNEDY, Arizona Corporation Commissioner ANNA TOVAR, Former Arizona Corporation Commissioner RENZ JENNINGS, Former Arizona Corporation Commissioner BILL MUNDELL, Tempe City Councilmember LAUREN KUBY, Former Arizona State Representative BOB MCLENDON, Former Arizona Attorney General GRANT WOODS, Former Arizona Governor and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security JANET NAPOLITANO, END CITIZENS UNITED, LET AMERICA VOTE
“In times like these, Arizona needs a fighter. Kris Mayes is thoughtful and judicious, and she's also ready to take on a fight --even a tough one. We have big challenges ahead of us, and Arizona needs an Attorney General who's ready on Day One. Kris Mayes as Attorney General is Arizona at our best.”
— Grant Woods, former Arizona Attorney General (May 19, 1954 - October 23, 2021) RIP
(Photo credit: Michael McDaniel/Courthouse News)
Kris is proud to be endorsed by Democrats, Independents, Republicans and diverse and broad groups and organizations.
Former Arizona Governor and Attorney General, Janet Napolitano
Former Arizona Attorney General and Phoenix Mayor, Terry Goddard
Former Arizona Governor and Attorney General, Bruce Babbitt
Former Arizona Attorney General, Grant Woods (May his spirit live on.)
Navajo Nation President, Jonathan Nez
Arizona Corporation Commissioner, Sandra Kennedy
St. Johns Mayor, Spence Udall
Tucson Mayor, Regina Romero
Attorney, Danny Ortega, Jr.
Former Maricopa County Attorney, Rick Romley
Former Arizona Congressman, Jim Kolbe
Former U.S. Representative, Gabby Giffords
U.S. Representative, Tom O’Halleran
Former U.S. Congressman Ron Barber
Former Phoenix City Councilmember and Maricopa County Supervisor, Mary Rose Wilcox
Maricopa County Supervisor, Steve Gallardo
Phoenix City Councilmember, Yassamin Ansari
Arizona State Senator, Sean Bowie
Arizona State Senator, Lela Alston
Arizona State Rep. Kelli Butler
Arizona State Rep. Mitzi Epstein
Arizona State Rep. Jennifer Longdon
Arizona Corporation Commissioner, Anna Tovar
Former Arizona Corporation Commissioner, Bill Mundell
Former Arizona Corporation Commissioner, Renz Jennings
Former Arizona State Rep. Bob McLendon (May his spirit live on.)
Arizona State Rep. Lorenzo Sierra
Arizona State Rep. Diego Espinoza
Tempe City Councilmember, Jennifer Adams
Mesa Vice Mayor, Jen Duff
Former Arizona State Rep. Roberta Voss
Former Arizona State Rep. Robbie Shaw
Former Mayor of Tempe, Neil Giuliano
Former Arizona State Senator, Susan Gerard
Clarkdale Town Councilmember, Bill Regner
Pima County Supervisor, Rex Scott
Former Arizona State Rep. Ted Downing
Professional Firefighters of Arizona
CWA Arizona State Council
Arizona Building and Construction Trades Council
Arizona Education Association
Fund Her
Victory Fund
Arizona Pipe Trades
Southwest Carpenters Union
End Citizens United / Let America Vote
UA Local 469
Sierra Club
Moms Demand Action Candidate
Everytown for Gun Safety
National Association of Social Workers, Arizona Chapter
NextGen America
Healthcare Rising Arizona
Arizona List
North Scottsdale Democrats
Democrats of the Red Rocks
Democratic Attorney Generals Association
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona
NARAL Pro-Choice America
Human Rights Campaign
UFCW Local 99

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